We have carefully checked our website and make every effort to ensure that it is up to date and that new information is added on an ongoing basis. We cannot, however, accept any liability for errors, omissions or lack of topicality.
Published by:
BayWa r.e. AG
Arabellastraße 4
81925 Munich
Tel: +49 89 383932 0
Fax: +49 89 383932 32
Email: info(at)baywa-re.com
Registered Office:
Munich, Germany
Munich Registry Court, HRB 160344
Ust-IDNr.: DE266587063
Management Board:
Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel Gäfke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Marcus Pöllinger
Information according to § 36 of the German Act on the Settlement of Consumer Disputes (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz, VSBG):
Our subsidiary company BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH is neither obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure in front of a consumer conciliation committee nor will it voluntarily take part in such a procedure.
Additional Information:
Web Development: GESSULAT/GESSULAT GmbH & Co KG
This website includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from www.maxmind.com.
Photo credits: